WP Ultimate CMS Taxonomy Shortcodes

I assume WP Ultimate CMS taxonomy short code has not been described completely, So I’d provide some detailed information about it now.


Let’s assume there is a taxonomy with
name ‘manufacturer’
Field Types:
1. name: logo, type: image
2. name: website, type: textbox

Sample Terms associated
1. name BMW with a logo and website `http://www.bmw.com/`
2. name AUDI with logo and website `http://www.audi.com/`

Basic Shortcode:


Parameters Associated with Shortcode

  • field
  • start
  • end
  • name_before
  • name_after
  • description_before
  • description_after
  • {field_name}_before
  • {field_name}_after
  • field_term
  • showall
  • fieldcode

Further Examples

1. To show the term details in a post, all we need to do is add following shortcode

Syntax : [xy_{taxonomy_name}]
Example: [xy_manufacturer]
Output : BMWAUDI

2. To show the only website(field) of term in a post, all we need to do is add following shortcode

Syntax : [xy_{taxonomy_name} field="{field_name}"]
Example: [xy_manufacturer field="website"]
Output : http://bmw.comhttp://audi.com

3. To add html code before and after the display of shortcode, all we need to do is add following shortcode

Syntax : [xy_{taxonomy_name} field="{field_name}" start="{HTMLCODE}" end="{HTMLCODE}"]
Example: [xy_manufacturer field="website" start="<span class='class1'>" end="</span>"]
Output : <span class=’class1′>http://bmw.comhttp://audi.com</span>

4. To add html code before and after name or any fieldname the display of shortcode, all we need to do is add following shortcode

Syntax : [xy_{taxonomy_name} {field_name}_before="{HTMLCODE}" {field_name}_after="{HTMLCODE}"]
Example: [xy_manufacturer website_start="<span class='class1'>" website_end="</span>"]
Output : <span class=’class1′>http://bmw.com</span><span class=’class1′>http://audi.com</span>